For CFOs & Accountants
Simplify FBT
Less time chasing drivers, less time manipulating data. Our approach to FBT makes life much easier for you.
Claim Fuel Tax Credit Rebates
Get the Fuel Tax Credit rebates owed to you by the ATO. The expertise we’ve delivered to major ASX companies is now available to SMEs.
Commercial Motor Insurance
The Mercurien Insurance team can help you structure better terms on your insurance.
The Business Case
Mercurien’s Fleet Operations team can reduce the cost and burden of running your fleet.
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De-risking Tech Investment
Whereas many projects / investments into digital technology can fail, our approach delivers strong outcomes.
Streamline Accounting Processes
Less manual input, greater transparency, simplified accounting processes. Our products and services can make accounting and reporting much easier.
Make an Insurance Claim
Go the Claims Section
Fleet Administration
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