
Impact on Crash Risk & Fuel Consumption

Significant Impact
When compared to ‘harsh’ drivers, ‘eco-drivers’:

  • use 20% less fuel and

  • have a 25% lower crash rate

National Road Safety Partnership Program (NRSPP) Thought Leadership Paper ‘The Interface Between Eco-Driving and Safe-Driving’.

Contibuting Authors
Mercurien’s data and insights contributed to this NRSPP Thought Leadership Paper. Note that the contribution referred to was made under the FleetRisk brand, which has now been consolidated with the Mercurien Group.

What is Eco-Driving?
Eco-driving involves:

  • gentler acceleration

  • maintaining momentum by avoiding tailgating

  • braking earlier and more gently

It requires a high-degree of driver awareness which leads to greater anticipation for risks. Eco-drivers tend to exhibit less erratic and unpredictable behaviour.

Coaching Eco-Driving Behaviours
Mercurien embeds a Micro-Learning Video Coaching safety system called BETTER DRIVER into our fleet solutions and insurance products. It nudges people to safer eco-driving behaviours.

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