Making FBT Reporting Simpler & Easier

Electronic Logbook

Optimising Your FBT position

With the Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) rate of 20% under the statutory method, your organisation could now be unwittingly paying more than you should for their FBT.

Being able to identify when to use the operating cost method - when the vehicle is regularly used more for work purposes than private use - means that you will pay less in fleet FBT.

Making Data Capture Easy

We make it easy for employees to give you the information you need. The Mercurien Drive app automatically capture their trip history. With 2 clicks the driver can:

  1. identify if it was a Business trip

  2. provide the business reason

Making Follow-Up Easier

Finding out who has or hasn’t completed their FBT logbooks can be the bane of many CFO & accountant’s existence. To reduce this burden, we provide real-time updates as to each employee’s compliance status.

Making Reporting Easier

Less time collating, manipulating data and preparing reports. The trip history and compliance information is captured by us and made available to you in convenient formats.